Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cambodia 2016 Series| Nepenthes Holdenii

happened on March 8, 2016

warning:  for matured minds only

Of all my articles here, I can say that this will be the most unique article that I will post since it features a unique plant endemic to Cambodia Bokor mountain.  I wasn't even prepared for this kind of plant. Yep, my imagination is quite wild. Hehehehe!!!!

of varied sizes and shapes
Defining Cambodia as a hot place is an understatement.  I'm used with the Philippine climate but still found this place to be intolerably hot.  Good thing, that our kind and accommodating host A has arranged a tour for us to the mountains (and a bonus of free accommodation!) where the temperature is low and lovable.  I love you to bits A!

At first, I don't understand why we need to go to the mountains and not just tour around the familiar tourist spots since we have a very limited time for our stay in Phnom Penh.  But I'm just a guest so I happily obliged (but still thinking what's in store for us since I was so lazy to research about it).

Traveling to Bokor Mountain took us around five hours by private vehicle.  So half of our day was already spent travelling.  We just settled in our hotel and freshen up then off we ago with the tour.  Another post for the rest of the travel and hotel.

Last part of this tour is in Viel Srey Moy Roy plateau where these plants only grow and live.  It was cloudy and spooky.  It's like watching a suspense movie, added to the spookiness is being alone in this unknown place.

You can't easily spot these plants from afar since they are small and being covered by clouds.  But once you see them, you have to blink twice to believe they truly exist. 

Nepenthes Holdenii or commonly known as Pkha Bampong Kralum to the Cambodians belongs to the pitcher plant family.  It is a carnivorous plant in which its flowers resemble that of the human circumcised male organ (except the balls).  They vary in sizes and shapes (just like the real ones) and they can grow up to 30 cms in height. 

The large red and green pitchers that characterized this plant are actually modified leaves designed to capture and digest insects.  

A further unusual adaptation seen in this new species is its ability to cope with fire and extended periods of drought.  Obviously, they are resilient as they grow on rocks. (source: sophoirom.wordpress.com).

As for us, we enjoyed every moment with them.  Wild imagination it is!!!!  It was a one of a lifetime experience to see these plants in actual. What more touching them!

And A's imagination is priceless!!!

Then, it's jump shot time.  I'm sure our guides have enjoyed being with us.

listen to the choreographer first


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